Brand : Nutrition Research Labs

Premium Garcinia Cambogia Pure Gold Extract Pill Capsules Diet, Ultra Max Natural Advanced Slim Fast Complex, 1500 Mg Daily Serving, Research Verified Fat Fighter Reviews, Detox and Body Cleanse, No Side Effects. 1500mg Daily Serve,


Garcinia Cambogia is a fruit which is in daily use in the indian and indonesian cuisine. It’s content of hydroxycitric acid (HCA) is particularly high. HCA is known in these countries for centuries already for suppressing appetite and was even used in battles to suppress the hunger of the warriors.

HCA has been discovered only shortly in western cultures. Hype has been swinging high and many people have been mislead by dubious claims like miracle pill, fat burner etc. Other claim their product has a particulary high content of HCA to impress people. The truth is: not the highest dose has the best effect, but the right dose. Disappointment of all those false claims is the result.

HCA rather increases the level of satiety than suppressing hunger. Besides that property it has some other positive effects: it elevates the serotonin level in the brain – the so called “happy hormone”. When you are happy you are less prone to cravings. People have better mood and sleep better. And it improves the cholesterol level.

There is a potential problem with Garcinia Cambogia: when it is used properly so that one loses weight there is a risk of a shortage of essential nutrients – nutrients that your body can’t make on its own. Products which contain only Potassium and Magnesium are not adequate. Nutrition Research Labs Garcinia Cambogia is formulated with adequate trace minerals und vitamins so that no shortage of essential nutrients occur.


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