The magical blend of the TinyTea is based upon traditional Chinese Medicine principles with delicately balanced herbs that are designed to nourish and cleanse the digestive system. In Chinese Medicine, the digestive system is the pivot of health. Nourishing this will allow your body to achieve optimum physical, aesthetic and emotional health. Energy 14 day Tiny Tea aims to restore your body back to its original health before modern day lifestyles, sugars, fats, stress, inactivity and emotions take a toll on it. Tiny Tea ingredients work on replenishing the digestive system. The digestive system begins the process of creating blood, and blood is what gives us energy. Clear Skin From a Chinese Medicine perspective, skin ailments such as acne, pimples, blackheads, rashes, eczema, psoriasis etc are all external indications of internal imbalances. Decrease Bloating According to Dr. Nat, the ingredients of Tiny Tea are designed to maximize digestion and gut functionality in your body. PMS For some of you, you may notice that your menstrual cycle should appear less painful and your flow should increase. We create modern tea blends using ancient Traditional Chinese Medicine principles. Just as nature intended, we pluck herbs and tea leaves from the earth and straight to you. for your body’s deserved consumption. Delicious indeed… in every which way. How can I add it were its 4 different paragraph instead of one. I load it in amazon but they keep coding it back Our philosophy is quite simple; we believe in treating your body with love and respect. As such, our blends have been designed to deliver you pure and simple, natural solutions so you can achieve wellness. Derived from the Fujian Province in China, our teas are picked and packed during the seasons that are most suitable to creating the perfect drop of tea. Our quality is nothing short of excellent, for you place your health in our hands. we take this responsibility seriously.
Price : $25.00
Brand : Your Tea