Eat Clean, Stay Lean: 300 Real Foods and Recipes for Lifelong Health and Lasting Weight Loss


These days, a trip to the grocery store requires a little soul-searching and a lot of label-reading: organic, sustainable, local, seasonal, gluten-free, sugar-free, GMO-free, vegan, vegetarian, raw, and Paleo. When did eating become so fussy? It’s enough to make you throw your hands in the air–and then right inside the fridge for some pie.

Eating healthy nowadays really just means eating clean, or choosing whole foods sourced from the earth with the least processing and fewest possible ingredients that sound like hair dye. And pie can totally qualify.

Yet eating clean day after day isn’t so easy. That’s why the editors at Prevention created Eat Clean, Stay Lean–your easy-to-use, visual guidebook to better health, delicious food, and a slimmer you. Learn how to make 50 smarter choices in the supermarket and 150 fast, clean meals at home–all of which can help you lose weight while you enjoy real food that tastes great.

Forget counting calories or carbs and stop being fooled by “health food” imposters. Real food is the science-backed way to good health and a better body–and it even includes real pie.


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