Price : $39.99
Brand : BodSmith

BEST SELLER!!! #1 Liquid Garcinia Cambogia with Green Coffee Bean Extract – Natural Weight Loss & Appetite Suppression Supplement – Faster Absorption liquid garcinia with green coffee bean extract works for rapid natural weight loss. With this new formula you get two powerful dietary supplements for the price of one in a convenient liquid form. When combined, garcinia cambogia and green coffe beans provide outstanding results.


Garcinia Cambogia & Green Coffee Bean is a combination of two most popular and powerful weight loss supplements available. This supplement is the perfect addition to healthier eating and exercise when trying to lose weight. The rind of Garcinia Cambogia contains Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA), recognized as the key to Garcinia Cambogia’s effect on fat metabolism. HCA slows glucose uptake, resulting in more stable blood sugar levels and less insulin production. Excess sugars cause the body to produce excess insulin, which results in a blood sugar level drop and cravings for more sugar! Slowing this process helps curb cravings, giving you an edge as you strive to maintain a healthy diet. Stable blood sugar also aids in preventing emotional eating. The result is an over all better feeling throughout the day as you lose weight. There is research to indicate that even without extensive diet and exercise, Garcinia Cambogia and HCA aid in fat metabolism, breaking down the visceral, subcutaneous, and total fat areas in subjects. Green Coffee Bean Cholorogenic acid is key to Green Coffee Beans’ effectiveness. This agent is largely removed in the roasting process, hence the need for green, unroasted coffee beans to achieve the desired results. Chlorogenic acid also aids in weight loss through slowing the absorption of glucose. By inhibiting the enzyme glucose-6-phosphatase, sugar production in the liver is slowed. Research shows that chlorogenic acid may help lower cholesterol. 100% Vegetarian Amazing Watermelon Flavor


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