Sports Research Green Coffee Bean Extract harnesses the benefits of coffee, in a plant concentrate, and provides proven effectiveness for slimming and beauty. Our product is made with Svetol® a natural plant extract of decaffeinated green coffee rich in active components. Obtained from unroasted coffee beans of the exotic Robusta variety (Coffea canephora robusta Pierre), Svetol® possesses a unique composition whose effectiveness has been clinically proven in numerous studies. The active ingredients in our Green Coffee Bean Extract are Polyphenols, which are antioxidant molecules, and Chlorogenic Acids. Chlorogenic Acids are a group of beneficial compounds that have been shown in pre-clinical and clinical studies to support healthy blood sugar levels, fat reduction, and healthy BMI. Our Green Coffee Extract is third party HPLC tested and verified free of wheat, peanut, soy, shellfish, egg, and milk.

Price : $26.95
Brand : Sports Research