Senna laxative, is one of a natural laxative that is provided by nature to our advantage to overcome the problem of constipation. Digestive problems when this is an issue that can not be considered a mild disease, digestive disorders can lead to the emergence of other diseases that could be more dangerous, this is because all the nutrients for the body’s activities come from outside the body, and before the food is converted into energy, it must be through digestive processes first, and if we disturbed the digestion can be said energy absorption process will also be susceptible to interference or degradation. The idea of laxatives to lose weight came due to the fact senna leaves can be used as an herbal cleanse for your colon and allows anyone to remove internal waste products in six to twelve hours. Directions for use: Ready to use after the filter bag has stayed for 2-3 min in 200 ml boiling water. Taken once a day, evening, after meal.

Brand : Bioprograma