Atkins Pressure Cooker: 35 Delicious Atkins-Approved and Easy-to-Cook Recipes Using Only Your Pressure Cooker (Low-Carb Recipes)


The time has come when TV dinners are out of the question. Your health and waist line can’t take another meal that comes out of a drive thru window. You and your family are ready for a change. This handbook is your life saver.

Inside you will learn:

  • To cook with only one pot, your pressure cooker.
  • How to cook foods to stay on track with your Atkins diet program. This handbook can be used by those new to the program or those who are old timers to the Atkins program, it can even be used by those not on a strict Akins program.
  • Tips, tricks, and valuable information and yummy recipes to save your waist line and to save your health.

After your body begins its transformation all your neighbors and friends will want to know how you did it. They will all want to follow your new healthy way of life. They will all demand a copy of this handbook, so buy more than one copy, because it makes a perfect gift as well.

The time that dinners kept you posted at the stove for hours is over. Spend more time with your family and enjoy life more with the time you will save by using your pressure cooker. Eat and then enjoy the easiest cleanup of your life.

Recipes all are Atkins approved. All the recipes follow the strict guidelines of the Atkins program, so there is no need to worry. Eat and enjoy! Never miss bread or carbs again. The food from these recipes will taste so good you will never miss that your diet is missing all the nasty carbs and nasty bread that you once polluted your body with.

Enjoy your new delicious way of life with this must have lifesaving cookbook handbook!!!


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