Price : $17.06

The Autoimmune Solution: Prevent and Reverse the Full Spectrum of Inflammatory Symptoms and Diseases


A leader in the paleo and functional medicine worlds introduces an accessible, easy-to-follow, and scientifically proven plan for preventing and reversing the full spectrum of autoimmune diseases with The Myers Way: a much-need, empowering alternative to the conventional medicine approach.

Most people who suffer with an autoimmune disease use prescription medication to suppress their overactive immune systems. But the treatment is often more disruptive and harmful than the original condition. These medications lose their effectiveness over time and have severe side effects. Now, Dr. Amy Myers offers another option: The Myers Way, a natural program proven to alleviate and reverse the symptoms of autoimmune diseases. Her program is built on four pillars:

  • Get rid of gluten, grains and legumes, which disrupt the digestive system and provoke the immune system into attacking the body
  • Heal the gut by replacing “reactive” foods with restorative ingredients and supplements
  • Tame environmental toxins found in cosmetics, cleaning products and home materials
  • Heal infections and relieve the triggers that cause mental, emotional, and physical stress

Myers also provides a 30-day meal plan, with lists of foods to avoid and how to prep your pantry for easy meals that will get you through the week with minimal cooking time.

The Myers Way has been used successfully treat to thousands of patients, relieving suffering and pain instantly and eliminating all symptoms in thirty days. The Meyers Way can also be used preventively to improve digestion, prevent infections, and restore the body’s natural balance. Whether you have Multiple Sclerosis, a gluten sensitivity, or want to protect your well being, The Autoimmune Solution has everything you need to restore your health. 


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