Ready to push yourself and accelerate your FOCUS T25 results? Then GAMMA Cycle workouts are for you! While the GAMMA cycle is designed to be integrated into FOCUS T25’s ALPHA and BETA workouts, it’s also exceptionally effective as a stand-alone workout program as well. In GAMMA, you’ll strengthen and streamline your biceps, triceps, shoulders, and back while accelerating your reps and blasting through fat. Think you got what it takes? Prove it! To yourself, and the world. It’s time to get the body you’ve always wanted in half the time of traditional training. It’s time to ramp up your results. It’s time to GET IT DONE with FOCUS T25 GAMMA. FOCUS T25 GAMMA includes four 25-minute workouts on four DVDs, a PURE GAMMA calendar, and a PURE STRENGTH calendar.

Price : $36.80
Brand : Beachbody