PortionMateTM color-coded rings measure perfect carb and protein portions directly onto plate or into bowl–making weight management easy. Small enough to carry in purse or tote bag, the set of 6 plastic rings range from 1 to 8 ounces, nesting together at just 41/2″dia. Working with any diet plan, PortionMateTM follows recommendations of the American Diabetes Association and Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Set includes 64-page nutrition and meal planning guide with carb and calorie count for over 500 foods. Top-rack dishwasher safe. Color-coded rings measure perfect portions directly onto plate or into bowl Follows recommendations of the American Diabetes Association and Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Small enough to carry in purse or tote bag Set of 6 plastic rings range from 1 to 8 ounces Nesting together at just 41/2″dia. Work with any diet plan Includes 64-page nutrition and meal planning guide with carb and calorie count for over 500 foods Top rack dishwasher safe

Price : $13.99
Brand : As We Change