Forskolin is extracted from Plectranthus barbatus (Coleus forskohlii), a plant from the mint family. Not only does this natural supplement have amazing weight loss properties, but it also provides your body with additional health benefits. This plant has been used for hundreds of years as a treatment for high blood pressure and chest pain. Forskolin is also known to alleviate asthma. The health advantages don’t stop here as Forskolin is also used to treat allergies, irritable bowel syndrome, bladder infections, urinary tract infections, blood clots, skin conditions, insomnia, sexual problems in men and painful menstrual periods in women. How does Forskolin work? Researches have confirmed that Forskolin helps the process in which your body breaks down stored fats in your fat cells. Not only that, but it also release the fatty acids in your adipose tissue, thus greatly helping the weight loss process while also increasing your lean body mass. Basically, this great fat buster works like a furnace, but from the inside of your body. As it burns that fat from the inside of your body, it leaves behind muscle and a more toned belly and body. A 12-week study was done on Forskolin and we can safely say that the natural supplement has been clinically proven to help increase muscle mass, bone mass and help testosterone levels for men. Forskolin also works on muscles inside your heart and in the blood vessels’ walls. It produces a more powerful heartbeat and widening of the blood vessels to finally lower blood pressure. Forskolin should not be used if you are pregnant or scheduled for surgery in the next two weeks. Another thing you have to be cautious about is the Forskolin concentration in the supplement’s bottle – make sure that it’s at least 10%.

Price : $22.99
Brand : Apex