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Non-Stimulant fat burners are designed for those who are looking to ignite the fat furnace without a stimulant feel. They also work well combined with stimulant based thermogenics for an added fat burning boost and an extra jolt of energy.
KETO XT is designed to increase thermogenesis, body temperature, and metabolic rate – and, can be the perfect addition to your healthy diet and exercise program. * KETO XT contains key ingredients, such as green coffee bean and CLA. Give your weight loss efforts an extra edge with a product specifically formulated to help you get results.
Increased Thermogenesis*, Metabolic Enhancement*, Healthy Weight Loss*

Zero Stimulant Fat Burner
If you want to burn fat but don’t want to take a stimulant, KETO XT is the product for you. This powerful weight loss blend contains the fat burning ingredients you want without a stimulant. If you are already taking a stimulant weight loss product, adding KETO XT to your current regimen will give you an extra fat-burning boost without overloading your body with stimulants.

Clinically Researched Ingredients
KETO XT’s powerful weight-loss formula contains clinically researched ingredients designed to work synergistically to support metabolism, weight loss, and inhibit fat absorption. Give your weight loss efforts an extra edge.

Take one (1) capsule in the morning and one (1) capsule in the afternoon, on an empty stomach, or as directed by a qualified healthcare practitioner.

Feel It Now Technology
Even if you don’t want a stimulant feel, you want some indication that your fat burner is working. Rest assured, from the moment you put a zero-stim KETO XT capsule in your mouth you will literally begin feeling the effect from the unique Feel It Now technology.

BPI Sports Roxylean for the complete muscle sculpting stack. | BPI Sports 1MR VORTEX for pre-training energy. | BPI Sports Whey-HD for lean muscle support. *

BPI SPORTS | Powerful Products. Real Results.
Headquartered in Hollywood, FL, BPI is the fastest growing Sports Nutrition company, both domestic and abroad, with products in popular categories such as weight loss, muscle building and athletic performance. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.