Price : $200.19
Brand : Purium

New! 10 Day Transformation


Your body can live without a lot of calories, but it cannot live without a lot of nutrition. The concept behind David Sandoval’s 10-Day Transformation is really quite simple. The program uses nutrient-dense superfoods, slow-burning carbohydrates and highly digestible protein and is all vegan and all natural. The 10-Day Transformation products include the Power Shake (pure nutrition, comes in two flavors: Apple Berry or Original), Super Amino 23 (pure protein), Apothe-Cherry (pure tart cherries/melatonin/antioxidants), Super CleansR (pure herbal detox blend) and Super Lytes (pure hydration and electrolytes) along with a BPA-Free Shaker Bottle, Tape Measure and Gym Bag. We have “2 Ways to Win”; using these products you can follow either the 10-Day Transformation Cleanse schedule OR the 10-Day Lifestyle Transformation schedule provided in the Transformation Support Guide. Using either program, you can expect to lose anywhere from 5 – 20 lbs in 10 days.


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