Price : $34.37
Brand : ORIG3N

ORIG3N Genetic Home Mini DNA Test Kit, Hunger & Weight


Find out whether your body has a genetic tendency to put on – and keep on – weight. The Hunger & Weight DNA Test is a 7-gene profile that looks at your metabolic rate, appetite, and sugar cravings – all major determinants of weight gain or loss. Are you more or less likely to feel full after a meal? Do your genes contribute to a craving for sugar? Will you regain weight quickly after losing it? These are some of the things you may discover about yourself with the Hunger & Weight DNA Test. NOTE: The Hunger & Weight DNA Test is a subset of the more complete Nutrition DNA Test. Contains 7 genes including: appetite (LEPR), feeling full (FTO), food reward (DRD2), hunger (NMB), obesity (MC4R), sweet tooth (SLC2A2), and weight regain (ADIPOQ).


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