I am so excited to introduce this product as it has been a true game changer in helping me reach my ideal weight and maintain it. Within 45 minutes it literally increases my measurable blood ketone level up to 2 points+. I am noticed a dramatic increase in my endurance and an even leaner more sculpted look as my body is burning stored fat as energy all day. It’s easy to be Keto now as if I mess up and have fruit or to many carbs I can put my body back into fat burning mode with just one scoop. How often is that we see a truly new product in the supplement industry? Most are simply rehashes of supplements we have all seen before. InstaKetones is a truly new and innovative product born out of Ketogenic research. InstaKetones is a source of ketones and is unlike anything else on the market. Ketones act as the fuel your body uses and prefers when you go into a ketogenic state. Now you do not have to be in a ketogenic state to benefit from the power of ketones. InstaKetones is a readily available source of this amazing fuel. Ketone bodies (ketones) are energy sources that are produced and burned under special metabolic conditions such as starvation and high fat (ketogenic diets). Ketones are a super fuel that can be efficiently used by the muscles and the brain, where they generate more energy (ATP) per unit of oxygen consumed than do carbohydrates, protein, or fat. Get amazing endurance, mental clarity all day long when used in conjunction with a no sugar/low starch diet that focuses on healthy fats and protein and carbs from vegetables. The best thing about InstaKetones is if you mess up your diet another scoop puts you right back into Keto. “We Make Keto Easy” Our Ketones (BHB) Is Made By One Of The Original Inventors…..which means they really work!

Price : $49.99
Brand : Julian Bakery