This product is designed to clean out your internal organs by completely removing all toxins and buildups in the colon that causes bloating, constipation and stomach aches. The Power House Cleanser also cleans your organs such as the Lungs, Kidney and Liver. It also cleans your blood, burns belly fat and restores your energy as well as your appetite. For other severe issues with the lungs, kidney, liver and other related illness: 24 hours after using the Power House you can start using our Acid Cleanser which may be purchased at The Acid Cleanse is not like the power house it does not give you bowel movements however it is more powerful. For someone suffering from constipation, if after taking the first Power House and not having more than three bowel movement within 24 hours. You will need to take another 8 oz whenever time is permissible to get a through cleanse. The Power House will not gripe your stomach.

Price : $14.99
Brand : Green Valley Cleanser