When you eat a ketogenic diet your body gets rid of your excess water retention and when the water from your body is leaving the body it also takes sodium with it. Your kidneys try to offset some of the sodium loss by dumping potassium from the kidneys to retain the sodium. Sodium and potassium are both very critical for the ketogenic diet. Magnesium and calcium are also needed to support overall mineral balance in the body. Carbohydrate restriction on a ketogenic diet does not allow for the ideal 8 – 10 cups of vegetables a day, this cuts down on the amount of minerals you consume from your diet. All these factors contribute to a need for additional mineral supplementation. It is very important that you cover all of your vitamins and minerals because of this carbohydrate restrictive diet. Vital Earth product recommendation: Cal-Mag Liquid is a must because of ketogenic calcium and magnesium loss Super Multi will supply vitamins that are not a being obtained through the diet. Humic Minerals supply the trace minerals missing from your diet, and simultaneously being expelled through elimination It’s important to realize that the minerals in Super Multi serve to maximize the vitamin absorption, but don’t deliver a full daily dose of minerals. To provide a sufficient daily dose of minerals, Vital Earth has 2 minerals products that support a Keto diet; Humic Minerals, which are highly absorbable, and processed gently with nothing but purified water. All Vital Earth’s minerals are from a fresh water source making them molecularly smaller than other minerals, which allows them to easily enter cells and go to work. These combined benefits are significantly more beneficial than many minerals found on the shelves today.

Price : $74.40
Brand : Vital Earth Minerals