I would like to present to you VasoBurns little Brother — VasoDry. To differentiate VasoDry from VasoBurn is like putting the icing on the cake, or topping off your Christmas tree with a shining star or angel. VasoDry is the finishing touch to your almost stellar physique! When presenting the most humanly perfect contest physique to the stage, one needs to be lean and sculpted, and of course free of any water retention underneath the skin…in other words — DRY ! Subcutaneous water retention underneath the skin could cost you several placements in your competition or make your potential Honeymoon pictures look ‘decent’ or have you hitting the Bahamas with guns blazing looking phenomenal and chiseled like never before. The intricate, last minute details regarding peaking the physique to visual perfection — will make us or break us. I know you might be thinking, “VasoDry is just pulling water from the skin, not causing fat reduction.” Well…since I am always 100% honest with my athletes, friends, family, etc… YES! VasoDry is absolutely a water-pulling product. A product that will pull any lingering subcutaneous water that may be residing under your skin due to a host of reasons such as —
Price : $29.99
Brand : MPA Vasodry