From time to time, there could appear some reasons you may need to be detoxing from THC quickly:
❂ Job interview
❂ Entrance into college/school
❂ Driver’s tests
❂ Psychological/medical drug tests ordered by doctors
❂ Drug tests by police/probation authorities
Whatever the reason – the CANNABIOLOGY Advanced Formula will help to speed up the process. Its awesome natural ingredients: Milk Thistle, Dandelion Extract, Inulin, Parsley, Cranberry Extract work by attempting to cause the body to remove THC faster, and are proven to help with the detoxification process!
Take two capsules three times per day, drink tons of water to flush THC metabolites out of your system. Water and diuretics are the first go to for THC detox. Since the most popular drug test is the urine test, it stands to reason that the more urine you pass, the more THC metabolites leave your body and the more dilute the urine.
❂ Increase metabolism – do cardio, work out
❂ Avoid sugars, starches, carbs to prevent fat storage
❂ Drink tons of water to flush THC metabolites out of your system
❂ Fill up the sample cup with midstream urine
CANNABIOLOGY THC Detox will only help make the process easier whenever it’s time to take a break from smoking or using other cannabis products.
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Price : $37.89
Brand : Cannabiology Est. 2016