Kale, with it’s unique peppery taste, has been a recipe implemented in stews and salads for literally thousands of years. Today, nutritionists have dubbed this old-school plant the king of so-called “superfoods”, a plant infused with so many vitamins and minerals that a small serving can nearly fulfill everything you need for that day.
However, cooking with kale is not always an easy thing to learn. It doesn’t work in just any dish. In addition, there are different types of kale with different properties. In this book, you’ll learn how to crack kale cooking once and for all, so you can begin implementing the ultimate superfood into your diet.
If you want take your health and dietary habits to the next level, a diet of kale is probably the way to go; whether served in savory dishes or mixed in smoothies or prepared as a dessert (kale chips), this mini-cookbook will get you ready to master this ancient, hearty verdant plant.
Get ready for some of the benefits:
– A balanced diet! It doesn’t take much kale to bring in important vitamins, like vitamin K, that you may not be receiving elsewhere. Not to mention calcium, bioflavinoids, and tons more.
– Improved immune system: A superfood-rich diet is believed to assist with your immune system.
– Improved digestion: Fibre-rich kale will fix various bathroom-related issues.
– Improved energy: Healthy recipes with kale will get you off processed foods and white sugars that may be sapping your energy by spiking your sugar levels.
To start exploring the benefits of kale, you can grab this booklet for the price of a cup of coffee. You do NOT need a Kindle to read it; you can order it to your web browser with 1 click, or grab the paperback copy. I’ll see you soon!