The Seed of Brazil is a 100% natural treatment that helps to recover your figure. This treatment is ideal to lose weight and strengthen muscles, the most important thing is that it helps you stabilize your metabolism so it does not cause rebound. Once you have regained your weight you can stop the treatment or consume it twice a week. Benefits: Eliminates fat, eliminates cellulite, controls appetite, tones and deflates, eliminates constipation, detoxifies the body, regulates metabolism and controls body weight. La Semilla de Brasil es un tratamiento 100% natural que ayuda a recuperar tu figura. Este tratamiento es ideal para bajar de peso y fortalecer los musculos, lo mas importante es que te ayuda a estabilizar tu metabolismo por lo cual no te causa rebote. Una vez que hayas recuperado tu peso puedes suspender el tratamiento o bien consumirlo 2 veces a la semana. Beneficios: Elimina grasa, Elimina celulitis, Controla el apetito, Tonifica y desinflama, Elimina estreñimiento, Desintoxica el organismo, Regula el metabolismo y Controla el peso corporal.

Price : $11.99
Brand : STP