S.D.S. KitKil Net content: 30 capsules of 500 mg. each one. Suggested Use: Take one capsules in he morning or t night with a glass of water….Lose weight and sizes Clean toxins from your body Controls cholesterol and blood sugar levels Accelerates the metabolism Define your abdomen and waist Eliminates fat and prevents sagging Avoid constipation Prevents and eliminates cellulite It is thermogenic Ingredients: African Mango, Green Coffee Bean, Green Tea……………………… S.D.S. KitKil Contenido neto: 30 cápsulas de 500 mg. c/u. Uso sugerido: Tomar una capsula por la mañana o por la noche con un vaso de agua…. Pierde peso y tallas Limpia las toxinas de tu cuerpo Controla el colesterol y los niveles de azúcar en la sangre Acelera el metabolismo Define tu abdomen y cintura Elimina grasa y evita flacidez Evita el estreñimiento Previene y elimina celulitis, Es termogénico Ingredientes: Mango Africano, Grano verde de café,Té Verde. ATTENTION: Not consumed during pregnancy.. Keep out of reach of children.. Do not use if you are intolerant or sensitive to ingredients of the formula.. Keep tightly closed… THIS PRODUCT IS NOT A MEDICINE… THE CONSUMPTION OF THIS PRODUCT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF WHO RECOMMENDS IT AND WHO USES IT.

Price : $16.35