About Green Coffee Bean Extract Green coffee contains antioxidants that help prevent various diseases, and effective in protecting the body from free radicals, strengthens the immune system, effectively lowering blood pressure, lowering bad cholesterol, balance blood sugar, fat burning and assist the digestive system by speeding up the body’s metabolism. Studies found that the polyphenols in green coffee helps burn body fat, reduce body fat accumulation, in liver, and especially in the abdominal area. People who participated in the studies and consumed green coffee lost weight and slimmed figures especially in the abdominal area. Health benefits of Green Coffee Bean extract are as follows: It is thermogenic, supports healthy metabolism and blood sugar levels, controls appetite, smooth energy and body weight management, and other health benefits. Each batch of our Green Coffee Bean Extract is standardized to contain at least 50% of Chlorogenic Acids by HPLC. Green Coffee Bean Powder. 100% Pure & Natural Slimming green coffee bean Powder (Chlorogenic acids) A natural weight loss supplement 100% Pure and natural green coffee bean powder made from finest quality Arabica and peaberry coffee bean from Kerela. How To Use To make this beverage Steep 1 tea spoon of green coffee powder in hot water and cover for 3~4 minutes, then strain and serve with a dash of honey and lemon for a wonderful energizing experience. Green coffee” beans are coffee seeds (beans) of Coffea fruits that have not yet been roasted. The roasting process of coffee beans reduces amounts of the chemical chlorogenic acid. Therefore, green coffee beans have a higher level of chlorogenic acid compared to regular, roasted coffee beans. Chlorogenic acid in green coffee is thought to have health benefits. Green coffee became popular for weight loss after it was mentioned on the Dr. Oz show in 2012. The Dr. Oz show referred to it as

Brand : Pro Organic