• PortionMateTM Bariatric Care is a set of six color-coded cylinders with volumes from largest diameter to smallest diameter, 1 cup (Green), 3 ounce (Red), 3/4 cup (Yellow), 1/2 cup (Orange), 1/3 cup (Blue), and 1 ounce (Purple).
• PortionMateTM Protein First Meal Planning Guide with protein counts for high protein food choices, and valuable information about bariatric care after weight loss surgery.
• 2 Counter Art Cutting Mats treated with Microban.
• 2 Measurex® Scoops, 1 ounce and 2 ounce.
• Measuring Guide Reference Card, for posting in the kitchen, is included with each PortionMateTM Bariatric Care Set.
• Quickly and easily measure perfect portions of high quality proteins directly into your plate or bowl
• PortionMateTM Protein First Meal Planning Guide with protein counts makes it easy to keep track of proteins consumed at meals.
• Cutting mats for chopping foods, as directed by health care professional.
• Scoops for measuring pureed foods and protein powders.

Price : $21.95
Brand : PortionMate