Written by one of the world’s leading experts on health, nutrition and wellbeing, this is the essential cookbook to turn back the biological clock, maintain peak health and vitality and live life to the full at every point in your life. Beran Parry is a living testament to the power and effectiveness of these methods. Thousands of individuals around the world have benefited from her teaching and advice. Now that knowledge and practical wisdom has been made available for you in a mouth-wateringly delicious cookbook. A lifetime of study, research and real-life experience in one breathtakingly beautiful volume.
The Growing Younger Disgracefully Cookbook is a turning point in our understanding of how to maximise our health and wellbeing way beyond the half-century mark. This life-changing book will show you how to:
Burn excess body fat naturally and effortlessly
Take control of your nutrition
Add the essential nutrients that your body craves for enhanced health and fitness
Take control of the mental and emotional influences that effect your health
Get excited about some of the healthiest, tastiest food imaginable
Discover your body’s potential to look and feel years younger
Look forward to a much brighter, happier future
Give your body its best possible opportunity to feel fabulous
The fountain of youth is a wonderful myth that describes the magical properties of an enchanted pool that preserves the bather in the waters of eternal youthfulness. But what if the fountain of youth can be distilled into a body of scientific principles? What if the latest research and scientific breakthroughs in the fields of nutrition and disease-prevention can show us how to slow down the effects of ageing and maintain the body in its best possible condition throughout the whole of our lives?
We might not have reached the point where we can preserve human youthfulness for eternity but we can maximise our potential for vitality and youthfulness by following the key principles that influence how our bodies change as we get older. Growing Younger Disgracefully is the answer to your quest for youthfulness.
The world’s population is getting older as people are living for longer than ever before. This is largely a result of improvements in food production, improved health support and advances in medical technology. But are we condemned to look like a population of pickled walnuts with wrinkled skin and drastically reduced strength and mobility? No. No and No! The fact is that many aspects of the ageing process are linked to stress. We experience environmental stress from our surroundings, from the pollution in the air we breathe and the water we drink, from our diet, from our emotional responses and from a host of other factors. As we learn to remove these harmful influences and treat our bodies the way our bodies are crying out to be treated, amazing changes can take place even at a cellular level. Our bodies begin to recover from the constant stress and daily abuse of poor diet, excessive tension, lack of mobility and inflammatory disease. Our bodies, with our help and support, begin to overcome the effects of time. Our bodies start to function the way they’re supposed to function. Our bodies start to get younger. It’s a totally natural process. And since the skin is the largest organ in the body, the results will show up in our external appearance.
The myth of eternal youth may remain a charming fairy story but the power of re-generating long-term youthfulness is now within our reach. The secrets, the science, the method and the technology of making and eating delicious food are held within the pages of this extraordinary cookbook. Download it today. Your body deserves the best. Don’t delay another single second. Begin your personal rejuvenation programme right now. Your body deserves it.