Disclaimer from Nurse Hatty: Use this product primarily if you are in a fat loss program or diabetic. Packaging may vary. A message from Nurse Hatty: “Hi, I’m Hatty. I’m an RN, nutritionist and fitness professional starting in 1979. I’ve been able to work with many doctors and hospitals in Southern California. I’ve seen many disease processes come through my or as a result of poor diet and diabetes. It is my mission to help you accomplish your goals while monitoring your ketones daily in diabetes and tracking ketone production on the paleo, Atkins, low-carb and ketogenic diets which is why I offer ongoing free daily workouts/nutritional info after your purchase of ketone script. I hope to help you too! Let’s do this together! Warmly, Nurse Hatty, caring for you”. Ketone script – 1) Gives 99% accurate results. 2) High quality imported reagent paper. 3) 2 year shelf life. 4) Clear results in 15 seconds. Answers to FAQ’s – 1) Why should dieters/diabetics use ketone script? Reliable/accurate measurement of ketones in urine determining if your diet is working! And, you’ll know if your body is breaking down fat instead of glucose in the absence of insulin. 2) Why should you follow Nurse Hatty? She is a healthcare professional who has her pulse on the wellness market. She is on top of the latest research to help you reach your health goals. Here’s what you get with ketone script – 1) Professional grade, USA FDA registered ketone test strips. 2) 250 strips in every box (125 count X 2). 3) Pdf’s of the user’s guide, your health goals & 3-day detox diet, a belly fat loss program and pH food chart. 4) Access to Nurse Hatty’s sites for support for dieters/diabetics. 5) Buy two and give 1 to a friend in need of ketone script.

Price : $10.95
Brand : Nurse Hatty