Price : $19.99
Brand : Pura Vida

Nuez de la India + FREE Diet Guide eBook (12 Seeds/Semillas)- Original, Authentic, Pure, Safe & Imported Fresh from the Amazon – Inspected & Packaged in an FDA Registered Facility – The Most Effective Nuez de la India on the Market


Nuez de la India Diet Guide: As a special bonus, after you order just send a quick email to and we will send you your free Nuez de la India Diet Guide straight to your inbox! (please remember to use your amazon username email)

Imported from the Amazon Basin / Importatdo de la Cuenca Amazonica
Nuez de la India (Almendra Quema Grasa) is a natural food product uniquely sourced from the Amazon Basin of South America. It contains a unique combination of key nutrients which are great for achieving weight loss goals.
Nuez de la India es un producto natural unico importado desde el cuenca amazonico en Sur America. Tiene una combinacion unica de nutrientes que son fantasticos para la perdida de peso.

Taken Only Once a Day at Night before Bed / Tomado Solo Una Vez al Dia en la Noche Antes de Dormir
Quite simply, a portion of the tasteless seed is taken every night in a cup of boiling water. Provided you follow the recommendations, one packet should last between 48-52 days.
Simplemente una porcion es tomada en una taza con agua hirviendo. Siguendo las instruciones le hara que un paquete le dure entre 48 a 52 dias.

Lose Weight While You Sleep / Pierda Peso Mientras Duerme
Nuez de la India cleanses your system, and dissolves the excess fat from your body as you sleep.
Nuez de la India limpia tu sistema y disuelve la grasa excesa en tu cuerpo mientras duermes.


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