Extra Fit Body Extra Strength Weight Loss is an ALL NATURAL weight loss supplement and appetite suppressant with some of the most powerful fat burner ingredients:
Glucomannan – Results showed a significant mean weight loss (5.5 lbs) using glucomannan over an eight-week period. An eight-week double-blind trial was conducted to test Glucomannan No adverse reactions to glucomannan were reported (This study was conducted my the US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes for Health).
Caralluma Fimbriata – Naturally Suppresses hunger and Appetite and enhances stamina. Cell Study Supports Caralluma Fimbriata’s FAT FIGHTING activity. The new study, published in FOOD AND NUTRITION SCIENCES. An extract from Caralluma Fimbriata may inhibit the ability of pre-fat cells to develop into mature fat cells.
Garcinia Cambogia – Blocks the fat producing Enzyme Citrate Lyase which makes it harder for the body to produce fat. Increases Levels of Serotonin in the brain to help reduce appetite and fewer cravings.
Cha de Bugre – Support a healthy metabolism. Found along the coast of Rio De Janeiro, Brazil and long used in South America to help fight obesity. This from the Web MD Therapeutic Research Center-Cha de bugre is also used to treat cellulite, cough, fluid retention (edema), It is also used as a general tonic to improve blood circulation and heart function.
Ginger Root – Aids in digestion. Even today it is still the best home remedy for flatulence, nausea, diarrhea, indigestion, and dysentery.
****************MADE IN THE USA 100% ALL NATURAL****************

Price : $39.95
Brand : Extra Fit Body