Price : $15.29

Natural Apple Cider Vinegar Capsules 90 & BHB Salts & Garcinia Cambogia Extract Keto Diet Pills with MCT Oil Powder, Exogenous Ketones Detox Cleanse Weight Loss Pills for Women Men Work Fast


What Is Ketosis?
If you follow a standard high-carb diet, your body’s cells typically rely on glucose for fuel. Glucose comes from the carbs in your diet, if you restrict those foods, as with a ketogenic diet, you force your body to look for alternative fuel sources. Your body then turns to fat for fuel, which produces ketone bodies when broken down in excess. This shift in metabolism puts your body in ketosis.
Most people naturally experience a mild state of ketosis during periods of fasting or strenuous exercise. The two main ketone bodies produced during ketosis are acetoacetate and beta-hydroxybutyrate. These ketone bodies replace glucose as fuel and provide your brain, heart and muscles with energy. It’s thought that the ketone bodies themselves may be responsible for the weight loss associated with a keto diet.
In Summary, ketosis is a process in which your body produces high numbers of ketones and uses them for energy instead of glucose from carbs.

What Can BHB Salts and MCT Oil Help You?
Ketone bodies can be produced in your body (endogenously) or come from a synthetic source outside your body (exogenously). Thus, ketones found in supplements are exogenous ketones. These supplements contain only the beta-hydroxybutyrate ketone.
BHB Salts – beta-hydroxybutyrate which supercharges your metabolism, in such a way that glucose cannot. It has been shown to increase blood ketone levels, mimicking what happens in ketosis when you follow a keto diet. That said, supplementing with ketones is thought to help you enter ketosis fater and have many of the same health benefits as a keto diet as the following:
*Lose Weight
*Suppress Appetite
*Have More Energy
*Boost Sports Performance
As the name suggests, medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) oil contains medium-length chains of fats called triglycerides. Due to their shorter length, MCTs are easily digested and can be converted into ketones.


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