The concept behind SlimKit for Her was to research and develop a complete weight and fat loss system that a woman wouldn’t need to worry about. Correct dosages of key ingredients were used based off a woman’s physiological characteristics (weight, metabolism, etc…) that would be effective without causing the ill side effects often experienced when using products dosed for men. With SlimKit you get the best fat burning and health promoting products in the FOR HER series all in one convenient kit. You get the thermogenic metabolic booster LipoSlim for her, the super-potent, fat incinerating thermogenic FemmeBurn for Her, and the full body cleansing and waste removal Detox for Her. The best part is all three products in the SlimKit are formulated and specifically made FOR HER! These innovative, elite fat burners are clinically dosed and work together in a synergistic effort to help quicken your metabolism, torch fat and detoxify your body!

Price : $149.99
Brand : Musclesport