MealEnders are drug- and stimulant-free “Signaling Lozenges,” designed to help people avoid overeating and master portion control by ridding the mouth and mind of the desire to eat more than needed. Their duo-sensory taste system rewards and resets the taste buds — a measured dose of dessert followed by a refreshing palate cleanse. Unlike extreme diets, meal replacements, appetite suppressants or supplements that focus solely on your stomach, MealEnders work with the body’s natural hunger rhythms using a combination of behavioral psychology and sensory science. By keeping your mouth and mind occupied for up to 20 minutes (the Overeating Zone-the period when people are full, but continue to eat), MealEnders naturally transition you away from the desire to overindulge, giving your body’s natural satiety process time to catch up. Over time, they can help the body adjust to appropriate portion sizes and promote more mindful eating. MealEnders are a safe and sustainable way to curb your appetite. **No Drugs*No Stimulants*No Herbs*No Artificial Sweeteners*Gluten Free*Kosher**
Price : $14.99
Brand : MealEnders