KetoEx Exogenous Ketones Plus MCT Oil Powder is a high quality ketosis supplement powered by goBHB and goMCT. goBHB is a ketone body that when taken exogenously, serves as a ready-to-use energy source for the brain, heart and muscles. goBHB has been proven to support weight management, cognitive health, and exercise performance. goBHB supplementation is good for people on low-carb diets and people looking to improve body composition (fat loss). goMCT converts to ketones in the liver, which is a different way in which the body produces and accesses ketones. The duality of how goBHB and goMCT are used by the body leads to complementary action and sustained higher levels of blood ketones, and therefore, sustained satiety and energy. This supplement is produced in the USA following the strict guidelines for quality, safety and healthy standards.

Price : $34.95
Brand : KetoEx Exogenous Ketones