Price : $7.99

Instant Pot Whole 30 Cookbook: Quick and Easy Instant Pot Whole 30 Recipes for Your Family


Food habits play an important role in determining the person’s health and fitness. Improper food habits can be worked upon to improve one’s health both physically and mentally. Eating right definitely plays an important role.

In this book, I have explained about the concept of Whole 30, which will help you build a healthy relationship with food. Whole 30 dishes are known for their ease to prepare and cook. The process is easy, less time consuming and utilizes commonly available ingredients. It helps you prepare mouthwatering meals in the minimal time with complete satisfaction.

The idea of Whole 30 is to revise your lifestyle and transform it to the better version. With the help of this book, you can work on your body for next 30 days, preparing and experimenting with your cravings. The plan will help you get control over the irregular food-related behavior and cravings. The output at the end of the 30 days will be beautiful: you will feel better, both inside out!

This book includes various whole 30 Instant Pot recipes based on chicken, beef, seafood, and pork for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and snack time. Each recipe has been created keeping the main ideology of Whole 30 cycle in mind that is, easier recipes, and more varieties.

The meals also follow the rules of Whole 30 programs and constitute of ingredients which are allowed to be consumed in this diet. The restricted food groups are absolutely not included in the ingredients of such recipes. These recipes consume no time at all, which defines its specialty.

Be it chicken or pork, this recipes book is the ultimate answer to all your queries regarding cooking recipes using an Instant Pot. Go through the book to indulge yourself in the process of becoming a better you.


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