Eniva MAX Green Coffee Bean fitness formula contains maximum potency pure Green Coffee Bean extract for supporting a healthy weight.* With no binders, fillers or additives, this premium formula delivers pure green coffee bean for max results. Natural Weight Breakthroughs Raw green coffee beans contain a special ingredient shown to support a healthy weight.* Known as CHLOROGENIC ACID, this natural component offers a number of potential health benefits for metabolism, cardiovascular and blood sugar function.* Here’s How It Works Glucose is normally released into the blood stream after a meal or physical activity, and it is then used for energy. Essentially the Chlorogenic Acid inhibits the normal release of glucose into the blood. Since the glucose is not available, the body “switches” to burning fat cells in order to generate energy. Burning fat cells is ideal for those looking to drop pounds. Some experts believe Chlorogenic Acid may also help hinder the absorption of dietary fat and the strong physiologic effects of Chlorogenic Acid may limit the development of new fat cells.* Ongoing research in the study of the green coffee bean extract is also showing positive correlation to the heart, especially as relates to blood pressure and cholesterol.* Plus, the most exciting research to date shows promise for glucose tolerance and how Chlorogenic Acid could provide support for people with blood sugar challenges.* Research is ongoing. Eniva MAX Green Coffee Bean ? Quality and Differences ? POTENCY: High potency 800 mg/serving! ? 50% Chlorogenic Acid ? highest amount available in a supplement! ? PURITY: Exceptional purity with ONLY green coffee bean extract. No fillers or binders, no artificials, no additives no stearates, no laureates, no dioxides or sulfates! ? APPEAL: For everyone, with vegetarian-friendly capsules and ingredients! ? VALUE: Exceptional value making weight support affordable. ? EASY TO USE! Just 2 capsules per day!

Price : $27.99
Brand : Eniva Health