MAXIMUM STRENGTH DIURETIC – Expel is an extreme diuretic(water pills) that significantly increases the amount of water and salt expelled from the body as urine. WATER LOSS – Through our unique combination of compounds including Green Tea, Apple Cider Vinegar, and Uva ursi allows water to exit the body quickly. Along with the loss of water there will be a correlation with weight loss which a significant amount of our athletes are seeking to achieve. ENHANCED MUSCLE DEFINITION – Through the shedding of water your muscles will be very enhanced with the loss of weight and excess fat. That is why many of our athletes use this product during the summer months and before body building shows to expel the excess weight that they need to shed quickly. REDUCE BLOAT – Expel helps support a reduction in bloating by being fueled with key ingredients like Potassium, Chromium, and Sodium Chloride.

Price : $39.99
Brand : EC