Exir weight loss supplement with Raspberry Ketone Plus Optimized Saffron Extract are beneficial in promoting emotional and physical well being. This unique supplement contains important nutrients and vitamins. A beneficial supplement, which work as an anti-oxidant, a digestive aid that lower the cholesterol level, and promote cardiovascular function. It burns calories as it purifies the system and gets the metabolism moving. The Raspberry ketones a supercharged metabolic booster; increase your metabolism and accelerate your fat loss at cellular level while increases your natural energy level. Reduce appetite and assist in the breakdown of fat molecules by encouraging the production of the protein hormone Adiponectin. It has also been praised as a natural thermo genic. Exir Optimized Saffron Extract of pure organic saffron threads (Crocus Sativus L.) may reduce snacking with mood-improving effect, which contribute to weight loss. Crocin, the active compound in Saffron extract, may be helpful for individuals with neuro-degenerative problems, memory loss, low libido, inflammation, obesity, arthritic conditions, and more. ” This Information was not evaluated by the FDA, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information is provided for educational purposes only, and readers and product users should use due diligence” .

Price : $30.00
Brand : EXIR