Washing machines need a regular deep clean to keep them working at their best. When you use ‘regular’ detergents the chemicals and perfumes mask the smell of the built up gunk and sludge that’s deposited in your washing machine’s hard-to-reach pipes and crevices. So when you stop using chemical laden detergent, you may start to be able to smell what’s really there lurking in your pipes. The Ecoegg Detox Tablets take care of this by giving your washing machine a really good clean – even in the areas you can’t see. These little tablets get to the very heart of the problem. They clear away any residual ‘yuckiness’ from your washing machine and eliminate those nasty odors – leaving your machine cleaner, shinier and happier. You just need one single Ecoegg detox tablet for a complete detox We recommend detoxing your machine every six months to keep it in tip-top condition Contains no harsh chemicals

Price : $6.80
Brand : Eco Egg