Dream and Lean is a breakthrough in night time fat loss helping the body burn stored fat after glycogen stores In the liver are utilised. While at rest the body needs fuel for breathing, brain function and temperature control. The unique blend of amino acids in Dream and Lean supports fat storage burn while you sleep which will enable you to wake up leaner and lighter. Some amino acid properties in Dream and Lean include Arginine, Glycine and Proline. Arginine is added to many supplements for its amazing nitrogen retention ability. Nitrogen as you may be aware is one of the key elements in muscle protein synthesis. But mostly it facilitates muscle mass gain while limiting fat storage, because it keeps fat alive in the system and uses it. It’s key in weight control. Due to its roles in the central nervous system and the digestive system, glycine can help boost energy levels, balance blood sugar and prevent fatigue. It can even be used to calm anxiety or nervousness that keeps you up at night and gets in the way of getting good sleep – plus it helps directly bring nutrients to cells and tissue for energy at all times of the day. Proline helps the body break down proteins for use in creating healthy cells in the body. With these combined, you can be sure to get a restful nights sleep and know you are burning fat at the same time.

Price : $39.99
Brand : Martizmayer