EFFECTIVE DAY DETOX WEIGHT LOSS TEA Specifically Formulated for women to enhance your weight loss plan using our unique combination of herbs that aid in digestion and toxin elimination from colon and fat cells DETOX CLEANSE Our YoungYou Slim Tea Eliminates the Toxins Built up Inside your Body. Boost Your Metabolism and Energy Level. Helps Get Rid of Excess Water and Reduces Stress. EFFECTIVE TO REDUCE BLOATING Reduce Bloating and Achieve that Fast. Purifies the Body and Reduce Water Weight THIS DETOX WEIGHT LOSS tea will help you to remove late night food cravings lower appetite and enhance weight loss DELICIOUS TASTING DETOX TEA Delicious Blend of Herbs and Fruits for DETOX and WEIGHT LOSS Made From Only The Highest Quality 100 Natural Ingredients. NON GMO or Artificial Ingredients

Price : $23.70
Brand : YoungYou International