D-Fine8 is the most complete fat burning system on the market. It combines multiple scientifically proven active ingredients into one single product.
C-LesstrAâ„¢ is a proprietary blend of High Linoleic Acid (HLA made from Ultrapure Safflower Oil) and Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA). Aside from providing powerful antioxidants through Vitamin E, C-LesstrA helps attack belly fat, lower blood sugar and increase lean muscle tissue to encourage an improved body composition.
The thermogenic compounds used in D-Fine8 are some of the most scientifically tested in the supplement industry. Citrus Aurantium turns on the fat burning furnace in your body. Guarana with its natural caffeine content KEEPS YOU FIRED UP throughout the day. Green Tea contains a powerful thermogenic known as EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate), which maximizes the body’s energy expenditure process by turning on the fat oxidation pathways. To make this the most well rounded lean muscle defining product, we added Cactus Leaf Extract. Several studies have confirmed that Cactus Leaf Extract will help curb your appetite.
The final key attribute is the energizing effects of D-Fine8. You will have the energy to power your workout to the next level (without the crash).

Brand : Musclewerks