The Circuit7® routine incorporates the proven results of circuit training, and takes it to another level. Because you hold the next exercise in your hands, it allows for rapid movement from exercise to exercise. This means you do not waste time moving from machine to machine, waiting in line, or reconfiguring your all-in-one home machine.
Circuit7 Core strengthens the core, flattens the abs, and improves balance. From beginner to advanced, each 7-minute circuit will continuously challenge you to reach your fitness goals. The Circuit7 Core DVD includes three intensity levels as your increase your fitness level. Also included are advanced workouts, such as the Advanced Ball and Abs Burner. Each successive exercise flows seamlessly together, saving you time and creating a more efficient workout. It is the most efficient full body workout ever, allowing you to get the benefits of a full-body 40 minute workout in just 7 minutes!
– Beginner Workout
– Intermediate Workout
– Advanced Workout
– Ab Burner Circuit
– Advanced Ball Circuit
– Vanny Vay Biography
– Fitness Quiz
– Sample Meal Plan
– Vanny Vay Photos
– Health Tips