Because it is much more than a plate with lines or sections, the Portion Perfection Plate holds a measured portion.
Complete with instructions that teach you the appropriate portions of how much food you should eat for weight loss and describes how much of the plate to fill and how deep to fill it.
There are two different serving sizes indicated on the plate because adults and children have different needs. Women fill just the base of the plate and men fill out to the edge of the plate. There’s also guides for children.
These portion control plates also come with optional extra tools. There’s a portion bowl, a pictorial guide book written in English because not everything you eat goes on a plate – think cereal and snacks, and there’s a recipe book with realistic pictures of realistic portions for your needs.
The creator of Portion Perfection is Amanda Clark, an award winning dietitian with 25 year’s experience. The portion control plate is a practical tool for men, women and children.
The plate shows markings to guide the type of food to make up a meal and the words around the plate relate to conscious or mindful eating giving you a strategy for feeling satisfied on the smaller portion.
Click the buy now button for a healthier you.
There’s additional support available from the team at Portion Perfection via Facebook so you’re never alone.
WARNING: Melamine is not suitable for microwave heating, or for the serving of very high temperature foods such as fried foods and boiling soups.