The original green coffee bean extract with svetol. Contains the recommended 800 mg of svetol green coffee extract and premium green coffee bean extract per capsule – svetol is an award-winning green coffee extract proven in 8 research studies – svetol’s weight-loss effects have been clinically-proven on humans in double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trials – svetol is clinically-proven to improve lean mass to fat mass ratio by 4% – The only GC extract with clinically proven bio-availability and absorption – manufactured without additives, preservatives, or artificial ingredients 30 day supply not 15 like other brands. Full days recommended dosage in only three capsules not four like other brands. Make sure you read the directions/suggested use before you buy. Don’t be fooled into spending more for only a 2 week supply. Svetol vs GCA vs other green coffee extracts, svetol is lot more expensive than GCA and several times more expensive than generic green coffee extracts svetol has been proven in 8 research studies, GCA has been proven in 1, and generic green coffee extracts just make projections and assumptions from borrowed research – svetol is standardized to 50% total polyphenols, 45% chlorogenic acids, 10% 5-Caffeoylquinic acid and less than 2% caffeine, whereas GCA is standardized to 50% chlorogenic acids and less than 3% caffeine. Generic GC extracts are standardized from 2% to 50% CA or not standardized at all. Quality guaranteed to ensure premium levels of chlorogenic acid, we analyze every batch in our labs to guarantee the highest quality.
Price : $18.82
Brand : EFL Nutritionals