Alipotec Tejocote CAPSULES Please see images this is not the Root, it’s the Capsule Supplement Plus Eau Kalin Part of the Complete Alipotec Weight Loss Diet. Alipotec is an all natural supplement containing Tejocote Root and enhanced with other Natural Ingredients like a Superfood Mix and Added Fiber. 90 Day Supply. Alipotec Raiz de Tejocote has been used for natural weight management and is direct from Alipotec. This Product pack is the ONLY ONE to also include EAU KALIN alkaline water supplement. Eaukalin is the perfect complement to a complete Alipotec Diet program as it helps to Alkalinize water and minimize muscle aches and pains.★Use them both Daily for best results. Always Use AFTER Food ✔ Take 1 capsule of Alipotec after breakfast or lunch with plenty of water. Do not take on an empty stomach. ✔Second you mix 5 drops into a 16 oz bottle of water and drink. Repeat at least 3 times per day but do not exceed 20 drops total. Use them both together every day to avoid any muscle aches and pains. If you want, you can still eat potassium rich food during the day and use along with KPlentish. Remember the first 2 weeks are a Detox Phase and you might go to the bathroom more often. ====== Este es el UNICO Paquete en proveerte con una Dieta Alipotec mas completa. Capsulas Alipotec con Raiz de Tejocote Mas Otros Ingredient Combina las CAPSULAS Alipotec Raiz de Tejocote para Perdida de Peso con EauKalin la forma mas facil de alcalinizar agua para uso diario. Ambos 100% Natural. 90 Dias de Uso de Capsulas Raiz de Tejocote mas una botella de Eau Kalin que sirve para hacer 40 Litros de Agua Alcalina para mejores resultados. Usa los dos juntos diariamente para mejores resultados. ★Nunca tomes Alipotec en Ayunas! ✔ Primero toma 1 Microdosis de Alipotec despues del desayuno o la comida (Nunca en ayunas). ✔ Segundo mezclas 5 gotitas en una botella de agua de 16 oz por lo menos 3 veces al dia (no usar mas de 20 gotas en total). ✔ Usas los dos diariamente para mejores resultados.

Price : $39.95
Brand : ALIPOTEC Tejocote