Simply put, Saffron can increase satisfaction in one’s appetite quicker mean while decreasing stress hormones and improving emotional health for more long term results and stability
Saffron Extract Benefits
1. Decrease in inches and weight loss
2. Decrease in frequency of feeling hungry
3. Decrease in fat-forming sugar cravings and snacking
4. Promotes a healthy lifestyle and mood to avoid overeating
Saffron Extract Study Review
Most individuals are compulsive snackers throughout the day due to anxiety, stress, frustration or boredom, and Saffron Extract has proved to be perfect solution by acting at the brain-behavior level of dietary choices.
1. Saffron Decreases Snacking Average: 55% compared to 28% placebo
2. Decreases Appetite of Feelings of Hunger Between Meals: 84% compared to 52% placebo
3. Saffron decreases desire for Sugary Snacks: 78% compared to 46% placebo
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