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Paleo Jar Salads: One Month of Delicious Paleo Jar Salad Recipes (Free Bonus Ebook with Download)
Don’t settle for other generic Paleo Cookbooks recycling the same tired recipes. Add some zip and excitement to your diet by downloading the original Paleo Jar Salad Cookbook – This is the original, don’t settle for substitutes.
Are you tired of trying the latest fad diets only to find out that they don’t work or you get bored with them after a few weeks and end up pulling the plug?
The Paleo Diet will work for you and with this Jar Salad food hack cookbook you’re guaranteed to have 30 of the most delicious, on-the-go salad recipes you’ve ever tasted!
Why does the Paleo Diet Work?….
It works because it isn’t actually a diet. SHH don’t tell anyone but this “diet” will help you lose weight and improve your health. You can call it a diet but we like to call it a lifestyle. When the first 3 letters of diet are “DIE” wouldn’t you?
Tell me more… Why does this lifestyle work?
Simple, the key tenants include eating the food your DNA intended you to eat — Lean Meats, Vegetables, and Fruits
This Jar Salad cookbook takes the standard and tasty Paleo Diet recipes up TWO levels.
In Paleo Jar Salad Recipes you will learn:
You don’t have to settle for the same generic Paleo Diet recipes most ebooks are offering. Choose to get a new take on a diet… oops lifestyle that’s guaranteed to work for you.